Corporate Events - Autumn Tours

With the breath of autumn gradually covering the earth, our company also ushered in the annual autumn group building activities. This time, we chose Huangyao ancient Town with a long history as the destination, hoping that through this trip, we can not only let everyone relax, but also feel the profound Chinese culture in the charm of the ancient town.



Huangyao Ancient Town, an ancient village hidden among the mountains, attracts countless tourists with its unique architectural style and long history and culture. Walking on the stone road in the ancient town, it seems that through time and space, back to the bustling ancient times. Here, we can not only enjoy the antique architecture, but also taste the authentic food, and feel the peace and harmony.


This trip, the company specially arranged a wealth of activities. We first visited the ancient town and learned about the historical changes and cultural inheritance of Huangyao Ancient Town. Then, we divided into groups for a scavenger hunt, by looking for clues hidden in every corner of the ancient town, enhance the tacit understanding and cooperation between each other. In the evening, we also held a bonfire party, everyone sat around the fire, sharing the little fun of the trip, laughing constantly.


This trip to Huangyao Ancient Town not only made everyone feel the charm and cultural charm of the ancient town, but also enhanced mutual understanding and trust in team activities. We believe that this trip will be an unforgettable memory for everyone and will inject new vitality into the future development of the company.


In the future, we will continue to hold more such team activities, so that everyone can find fun in the busy work and jointly contribute to the development of the company.

Nanxiang Trading Co., LTD/Nanxiang Trading (Shenzhen) Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanxiang Trading") is a professional trading company that provides one-stop solutions for Japanese customers. Founded in 2012, it has more than 10 employees, all of whom have rich experience in quality management, supply chain management and marketing management.

Company address:2305, Building A, Tianxia International Center, No.8 Taoyuan Road, Nantou Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

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